Workgroup 2

Hello everybody!:) We are the second group which had boiled distilled water. The components of our group are: Núria Querol, Salma Amghar, Cora Verge and Paula Forcadell.

We are participating in a mini-project which consists in discovering the boiling point of the water in different places of the world. In addition, we had incorpored two types of water: normal water and distilled water. In our case, we had been looking for the boiling point of distilled water with a mercury thermomether.
The high schools which participate are: INS Jaume Callís from Vic (Catalonia-Spain), ISIS Galilei from Gorizia (Italy) and our school INS La Sénia from La Sénia (Catalonia-Spain).
Obviously, the boiling point will change because we are in different altitude and the athmospheric pressure also changes.
This are our results every 30 seconds.

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